Friday, 22 May 2015


A couple of weeks ago over a coffee and a catch up, one of my lovely friends told me about something she had recently started doing with some of her other friends.

This was to send each other a five positive things about their life or that day first thing every morning.

I said that this sounded like a fab idea and could she please do the same for me! I have been guilty of being a tad pessimistic and thought this would be really helpful for me! Having my pessimistic head on I thought maybe some days there won't be anything for me to put!

We have been doing this every day for the past few weeks and I'm surprised how much it has helped and how much I have enjoyed doing it.
No matter how rubbish your day has been you can look back and realise that there is still something good about it!

These five things don't have to be huge and life changing. What is great about it is that even just the little things in life, that can often be taken for granted, get remembered.

It is also really nice to hear someone else's positives as well as your own!
It is definitely worth giving it a try, what can be bad about starting the day with a positive thought!

Also, If you forget in the morning you could share what the highlight of that day was in the evening instead!