Since I never introduced myself on my previous post, I thought it was only polite to write a slightly less formal post and give you 25 random facts about myself.
1) My middle name is Victoria
2) I am 5 ft 3
3) I hate mushrooms
4) I am obsessed with the weather, if you want to know the forecast just ask me!
5) The weather can instantly affect my mood
6) I don't like strawberries, never have, never will, I have tried many a time.
7) I don't really drink alcohol, I can drink pop and still dance like an idiot, so I don't see the point sometimes.
8) I am like an 80 year old in a 22 year old body, I drink too much tea & I watch strictly.
9) I can easily chat to and make friends with old people, hence the above.
10) I always seem to get strangers talking to me on public transport .
11) I have quite a rude and immature sense of humour ( Blame my mum, if you know her, you will
12) I am terrible at maths, I can't even add up anything without using a calculator.
13) Fluff makes me cringe, if it touches me then omg... blergh.
14) I am rubbish at accepting compliments.
15) I am awful at taking selfies.
16) I was born six weeks early.
17) I am genuinely scared of men dressed as women.
18) My lucky number is 18.
19) I have double jointed shoulders.
20) I have never been outside of Europe.
22) I have only been a guest at one wedding in my life, which was my auntie's and uncle's last year.
23) I love mini versions of things, shower gel, shampoo, cheese grater. Anything really.
(mini pig, mini table & mini umbrella, mini ice cream, omg!)
24) I haven't learnt to drive yet, I've not even had one lesson.
25) My fave animal is a giraffe.
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