Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Generation Judgmental...

You have probably gathered by now that I am not a massive drinker of alcohol. It has almost definitely stemmed from my anxiety etc. (If you would like to know the reason read Even though I am better than I before I still don’t really enjoy it or ever feel the need to drink.

For some people not drinking alcohol is just a personal lifestyle choice, sometimes it is for a medical reason and on the other hand it may due to someone’s religion. Whatever the reason may be for someone choosing not to drink alcohol, be it all the time or just on one occasion is it also made into a massive deal.

I don’t personally have an issue with other people choosing to drink so why should it bother them so much if I don’t want to. I will have a couple of drinks occasionally but I have never had or get the feeling where I need to have an alcoholic drink.

I have found that people who don’t drink are made to feel like they aren’t as good as people who do. Apparently choosing not to drink means you can’t possibly have any fun in any kind of situation. People always assume that you aren’t having a good time or enjoying yourself if you aren’t drinking, and I have had the best nights and laughed the hardest when I have been stone cold sober. I can dance like an idiot after a pint of lemonade but the reaction towards me from people who need ten Jager bombs to just do a little shimmying just bizarre. Why does it bother them so much? If alcohol is so amazing then why are you wasting your night wondering if I am having a good time or not?

I have always thought it as being an embarrassing thing for people to find out and have always dreaded having to tell people. Going to university during this generation as a non-drinker, seems to be the craziest thing to you can do. The whole University experience is portrayed as being one giant p*ss up and to say I was dreading it was an understatement. I have mentioned before that my opening line to one of my flat mates was to tell them that I didn’t drink alcohol. He just looked at me with a mixture of pity and shock as if to say ‘then what are you doing at Uni then?’

I absolutely hate everything to do with night clubs and clubbing and it just isn’t my cup of tea at all. During University this seemed like the only acceptable way to socialise with your friends and to have a good time. I had to continuously say no to nights out because I knew I just wouldn't feel comfortable. The actual thought of being forced into playing drinking games made me want to never leave my bedroom. Then being in a smelly dark room with peoples sweaty arm pits in my face and the worlds sh*ttiest music being played was my worst nightmare. I know everyone will think I sound like a complete old fart but if you think about it for someone who doesn't drink what is there to enjoy about it. At least in a nice bar or pub you can actually sit and talk to the people you are out with. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love going to gigs and listening to live music and proper bands playing actual decent music. But there isn't even that little thing to enjoy in a night club.

I have one example in particular which I think shows the type of stigma that is automatically attached to people who choose not to drink. Once I was in a pub once with some girls whilst I was at Uni, we were watching a live band and I only had a drink of coke and still managed to have a great night. Half way through the night one of the girls said ‘Katie, you are actually quite funny!’ (This was the first time she had seen me out in town) so I just replied with ‘I am not acting any different to normal’. But it just proves that people just assume that you’re a complete loser with no sense of humour or personality if you don’t drink or night clubs aren’t your favourite pastime.

Just because you don’t like certain things which society portrays as being the ‘norm’ it doesn't mean you are a social recluse with no friends. No one judges people for choosing to drink so why judge someone who chooses not to.  You can still have a good time just in a different way to how some people might choose to do so.

There is such a huge amount of peer pressure to act a certain way or to do a certain thing within our generation but why should anyone do anything which they don’t feel comfortable doing. I say, do whatever you want to do, its not anyone else's business anyway! 

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