It's another one of those times where thoughts are swimming around my mind and there's no better place to say them out loud than my blog.
I have recently got the Timehop app, (I know behind with the times or what?) But I noticed the other day it's 3 years since I started feeling a little iffy with what I know now to be Anxiety.
I have been thinking and wondering what was different back then and why I am where I am now. Although it has been numerous different things collectively, one thing has stood out more recently.
That thing is just 'understanding'. Understanding anxiety, knowing what it is and it in context to me and my experiences. I now know where it came from in the first place and what triggers it still.
I don't feel better because it's just disappeared and I'm completely 'cured'. It is just because I know exactly what it is and why it can make you feel like it does. Let's be honest 3 years is quite a while to feel like you finally have control of something which controlled you for all that time. I have control now because I have the knowledge.
Having anxiety alone and all its lovely feelings and symptoms it brings with it can be pretty terrifying so add a bit of poor understanding and it popping up at the most random and inconvenient moments and no wonder this thing can consume you and control you like you are a puppet.
I got to the point previously where I thought my anxiety was me and I was making decisions and doing things based on that. Now I know so much about it all, it is something which is part of me but I can manage it so much better.
Just think, how much time and energy would be saved if people just understood about mental health and why it may need some TLC from time to time.
It has also helped me that I have been able to explain what it is and why it happens to my family. My Mum has said herself that due to her having more understanding she has been able to empathise with other people and pass on information to them too.
As humans we are often scared of the unknown so why make something which can be so disconcerting even more so just because we've made it ok not to know what it is.
Let's get talking and sharing information about mental health and hopefully one day it won't be such a taboo anymore!
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