Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Don't give up...

Dear Readers...

Don't be annoyed at yourself when things don't quite go to plan, remember you tried and be proud of yourself for doing just that.

Bad things will and do happen, and things do get better I promise. It is completely OK to accept the fact that you are feeling anxious, sad or down about something, be open about what that is and give whatever it is the time it needs.

When you feel like giving up, don't, you are stronger than you think.

Give yourself more credit, concentrate on how far you have come already.


Wednesday, 17 September 2014


So, I am a strong believer in being yourself and absolutely despise peer pressure. I don't know if this is just because I was born a 60 year old or I have just been there, done that and in some cases unfortunately worn in the t-shirt.

It has always kind of got to me how there are certain expectations to be a particular way in my generation and if you don't fit into this category you are immediately an outcast.

Who came up with the rules on how you should be/look/act at different times of your life? Apparently individuality is respected but then how come you are made to feel inadequate just because you aren't a clone of everybody else.

I don't understand why you should feel unhappy because you don't feel comfortable in certain situations or doing certain things. You wouldn't tell someone to do something to purposely make them feel unhappy so why is there so much pressure on people.

Be yourself, do what makes you happy, if people don't like you for being yourself then they aren't worth knowing! :)

...and breathe!

Wednesday, 3 September 2014


I guess I don't really know where to start with this blog post, I have been thinking about it for a couple of weeks and I don't believe that anything I write will actually be able to do the subject justice.

Just like the majority of the population I was shocked and saddened by the tragic death of Robin Williams and was overwhelmed by the impact he had upon people in my generation in particular.

It's really hard to put into words how I really feel, but it really does baffle me as to why we live in a society in which many areas continue to advance and change over night and we can't quite keep track of when the latest piece of technology is going to be created, yet our mental health is overlooked as though its just a nettle sting.

I don't believe that there is any excuse for people to not be aware of and understand what mental health and mental illness is yet there is still a huge stigma attached. It really just makes me so sad that it took something so awful and heartbreaking to happen for awareness to raised about something as serious as depression. I am sure we don't all have complete understanding about other illnesses which people we know suffer from but yet we manage to be supportive instead of ignorant.

The lack of support, awareness, understanding and the negative stigma surely can only make it so much worse for the sufferer and can result in devastating outcomes which could perhaps otherwise be prevented.

Why is something we all treasure in other circumstances forgotten about when it needs taking care of?
Talking is something so many people take for granted on a daily basis but it could be what saves someone else's life.